Monday, August 17, 2009

FAQ - 1

FAQ's Frequently Asked Question: should be answered asap, but there are few of them which can neither be answered nor can be ignored.
I was also caught in the same dilemma of answering or not during my summer internship in Berlin, Germany, when infinite such questions have been shot at me by some of my German friends, by some unknown whom I met in train and at other places. These were those question which I tried to answer to my best capabilities but there were some which i was not able to. Here,are 10 politically and socially relevant FAQ, which I tried to answer to best of my knowledge and was very true to myself, else otherwise stated.

1) Do you like Pakistan?

I like Pakistan but not their leaders (I don't know how many time this question was asked to me and i always gave the above reply), I use to ask them counter question do you like Hitler.

2) Why you guys have so many bomb blast in your country?

How can you even expect me to know this.

3) Do you guys know from where the so called terrorist come to your country, if yes
then why don't your govt. stop them?
(whenever they asked me this question there was a wicked smile on there face)

I also feel petty for this, we know but we can't do anything.

4) What is your govt. doing for Kashmir?

They also gave me few suggestion regarding this matter, why don't u guys give up on Kashmir and make it a independent state or give it Pakistan, as Muslims are major in Kashmir......
Dude! we have more Muslims than Pakistan, so should we give whole India to them who even can't control a country which is smaller than the biggest state of India and stood on the verge of yet another divison.
The blatant and straight forward reply made her quite, this was asked by non other then the wife of my Guide.

5) What type of government is there in India?
(Believe me most of them didn't know about their govt.)
You are one of the most or I should say over developed state of the world, best in technology but you don't have any knowledge about the largest democracy of the world. How ill informed you are. Oh! sorry do you know about your own state?

6) Do slum dog millionaire depict the true picture of your country, does whole of India have slums?
What the fuck! you all always have to look at the bad part of the third largest Economy of the world, don't you guys think that we have progressed a lot in last 60 years. I said this even though i was bit skeptical about it.

7) Do 'The White Tiger' by Arvind Adiga depict the true picture of India, why do Indian Bureaucrats and govt. official take bribes?
I didn't had any reply for this but yeah this question use freak me out, as it was very very frequent question.

8) How many gods are there in Hindu religon, whats the name of god with 12 or so number of hands?

I am an atheist, don't talk about this stuff to me. They always use to pain m with this question.

9) What are you, hindu or muslim?

I never wanted to reply this question but when forced i said, I am hindu because of my parents.

10) Is child labor still there in India?

Yeah, it is but govt. is taking required measures to stop it.

...... to be continued in FAQ-2


Abhishek said...

you should have asked dumb questions yourself!
Who hit the first blow to the Berlin wall?
Are you from East or West Germany?
I suppose they would have understood that their questions are as dumb to us as yours would have been to them.

Pritesh said...

yeah i agree.... why the hell they call themselves developed.....